
The 1960s hold and endless fascination for me. There was a period in high school where I only wore black and white and wanted to be Edie Sedgwick. I wanted to be a part of The Factory. I wanted to have a screen test, float with silver balloons, sling paint with Andy, & dance to the Velvet Underground. I would wear my tights and leotard out after dance class just like I had read Edie used to do. I would search for anything and everything to read or watch about her or that specific moment in history. My room was painted black and I had Andy's artwork all over the walls. 

I must admit I was charmed...seeing that world only through rose colored glasses. I would still like to time travel but I've learned to be grateful for the time I live in. And nothing is as great as it might seem. When I was 16/17 I saw something in Edie that I connected with. A sort of lost girl. The original name for my blog was The Lost Muse. I connected to that spirit. Now I may no longer connect in the way I used to that time still holds a special place in my heart and is a great source of inspiration. 

My coat is Mango (3 years ago) & boots are Zara. 

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Hello! I'm Kirby. A stylist and writer based in Birmingham, Alabama.